Digital x-rays

Victorville, CA

Digital x-rays have changed everything you ever thought of dental x-rays. They are a significant advantage of traditional radiographs in every way. At Kelly Smile Dentistry, we value providing our patients with the latest in dental technology, this increases the information we obtain, improves patient communication and provides our patients with better care. We are happy to show you the difference.

Trouble with Traditional Slides

Traditional radiographs were small, grainy, difficult to see, difficult to understand, and easy to lose. Though the radiology used was within safety guidelines, it still made many patients uncomfortable. Dentists kept paper files where these tiny x-ray slides shifted and moved out of their files. If we needed to share a slide with another professional, we would need to mail the slides, and they would be lost to us forever. Digital has changed all of that.

The Digital Advantage

Digital x-rays are entirely different. Our team along with our patients agree that there are many advantages that come from digital technology including:

Faster Processing: Digital images are instantly available, this means less time waiting, and if we did not capture the image we hoped, we can quickly take another.

Larger Images: Digital images come in a much higher resolution that is seen on a computer screen near your chair. No longer do you need to try to figure out the tiny square slide, you will be able to see a large clear image that can be zoomed in and out of a specific location giving our team and patient a better visual picture.

Saving and Sharing Images: Digital images are saved in a computer file under your name. Your images will never be lost, and will always be easily accessible. If your images need to be shared with another dental professional, we can simply forward the image with a click of a button.

Watch Progression: A less discussed but highly valuable aspect of digital imagery can see changes from one appointment to the next. This can provide us with information on how the trouble area has progressed or improved.

Less Radiology: Though the radiology used in traditional x-rays was well within the safety recommendations, it still made many patients feel uneasy. Digital radiographs use much less radiology in capturing their images. Estimates can range, but in general digital radiology uses 75% less radiology.

Your dental care is important, and having the tools to improve that care can make a large difference. At Kelly Smile Dentistry we value staying up to date with the latest tools, tips, and technology in dental care. This allows us to provide better service and care for our patients. Digital radiology is one way that we can provide the finest in dental care. We invite you to come and see the difference that digital care can provide. For more information on digital X-rays, and how they are much more effective than traditional slides, contact our team at 760-242-2338.