girl with Braces
Braces are a common, highly effective treatment for realigning teeth and jaws. Your braces are specifically designed to straighten crooked teeth and realign your jaws, providing you with a beautiful, confident smile as well as improving your oral health. For your braces to perform these tasks, however, they need to be properly taken care of. At Kelly Smile Dentistry, we can help.

Oral Hygiene and Your Braces

Taking care of your mouth with regular brushing and flossing is essential for preventing the buildup of plaque and bacteria that can cause serious issues such as tooth decay and gum disease. Because the brackets and wires are affixed to your teeth, your oral hygiene routine is even more important. Your brushing routine will need to be adjusted. Along with brushing in the morning and before you go to bed, it is important that you brush after each meal. With a soft-bristled toothbrush, use gentle circular motions and follow along with the teeth and gum line. When you clean around your brackets, angle your bristles against them. Make sure that you brush the areas under the wires as well. You may need to change your toothbrush more often as the bristles may become frayed sooner. When you have braces, food can become trapped under the wires as well as along the brackets. While brushing can remove some of the debris, it cannot eliminate everything. This is where flossing comes in. However, it can be difficult, and tedious, to get the floss under the wire between every bracket. A floss threader can be very helpful. Once under the brackets, move the floss gently back and forth to work it between the teeth. Scrape the floss up and down each tooth. You should also floss carefully around the brackets and wires. Make sure that you floss between each tooth, as well as behind the very back molars.

Keeping Your Braces Safe

Braces are effective at moving your teeth, but they can be damaged if you are not careful. You will need to avoid eating certain types of foods while wearing braces, such as whole apples and pears, raw carrots, corn on the cob, crusty bread, as well as sticky and chewy foods. These foods can dislodge the brackets or bend your wires. If you play sports, it is important that you wear a mouth guard to protect both your braces as well as your mouth. Braces can cause significant harm if you suffer a facial injury. A special mouth guard can be made for you that will accommodate them.

What If I Have a Braces Emergency?

There are a few different types of emergencies that can arise when you are wearing braces. In some instances, a bracket may pop loose. One of your wires may become bent, or it may even break. If one of these issues does occur, it is important that you do not panic. Call our office, and we will get you scheduled for an appointment as soon as possible. If a wire is poking your intraoral tissues, use a piece of wax to cover the broken end until your appointment. Proper care of your braces helps to ensure that they can effectively correct your alignment issues. Call Kelly Smile Dentistry today at 760-242-2338 if you have any questions or concerns.