Why You Need to Avoid Drinking Sports Drinks if You Have Sensitive Teeth

November 25, 2019
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If you have sensitive teeth, you may have tried switching toothpaste, mouthwash and tooth brushes. If you haven’t, that is the first place to begin.

The American Dental Association recommends brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush, yet over 40% of the population uses medium to hard. If you have made the switch, your next course of action begins. You will need to protect your teeth against acidic drinks that can lower the mouths natural protection and damage them.

Sports Drinks and Your Oral Health

Many people understand that sugary sodas are bad for your health. Sugar is converted by bacteria into plaque, which is acidic and erodes the enamel. What most don’t understand is that many of the ingredients in sports drinks are still acidic. Especially if you sip on them over a long period. You are continuing to coat your sensitive teeth with an acid that thins out the enamel. Sensitive tooth pain is the result of thin enamel.

Sports Drinks Affect on Your Mouth’s pH

The pH scale goes from 1 to 14, beginning with 1 as the most acidic. Ending at 14 being the least acidic. Now your mouth has a healthy pH of around 7. Your teeth begin to erode at a pH of 5.5 or lower. Energy drinks and soda are down around 2-3 on the pH scale. Sports drinks, unfortunately, come in around 3-4. That level of acidic pH is damaging towards your teeth.

Any drink that brings the mouth’s acidity level down will cause tooth decay. If you have sensitive teeth, you will feel the decay much quicker. The best drinks for a healthy pH are tap water, milk, and unsweetened tea. They are 7-8 on the pH level and will bring your mouth pH up to the point it repairs the teeth.

The pH level scale can seem like a lot to account for. When you can view your mouth as a tug of war. Bacteria trying to convert what you consume into acid and your saliva trying to bring minerals and wash away the bacteria. You can learn to assist your mouth by providing healthy liquid that strengthens your teeth. For further questions or more information, please contact our office today.


Why You Need to Avoid Drinking Sports Drinks if You Have Sensitive Teeth

November 25, 2019

If you have sensitive teeth, you may have tried switching toothpaste, mouthwash and tooth brushes. If you haven’t, that is the first place to begin.

The American Dental Association recommends brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush, yet over 40% of the population uses medium to hard. If you have made the switch, your next course of action begins. You will need to protect your teeth against acidic drinks that can lower the mouths natural protection and damage them.

Sports Drinks and Your Oral Health

Many people understand that sugary sodas are bad for your health. Sugar is converted by bacteria into plaque, which is acidic and erodes the enamel. What most don’t understand is that many of the ingredients in sports drinks are still acidic. Especially if you sip on them over a long period. You are continuing to coat your sensitive teeth with an acid that thins out the enamel. Sensitive tooth pain is the result of thin enamel.

Sports Drinks Affect on Your Mouth’s pH

The pH scale goes from 1 to 14, beginning with 1 as the most acidic. Ending at 14 being the least acidic. Now your mouth has a healthy pH of around 7. Your teeth begin to erode at a pH of 5.5 or lower. Energy drinks and soda are down around 2-3 on the pH scale. Sports drinks, unfortunately, come in around 3-4. That level of acidic pH is damaging towards your teeth.

Any drink that brings the mouth’s acidity level down will cause tooth decay. If you have sensitive teeth, you will feel the decay much quicker. The best drinks for a healthy pH are tap water, milk, and unsweetened tea. They are 7-8 on the pH level and will bring your mouth pH up to the point it repairs the teeth.

The pH level scale can seem like a lot to account for. When you can view your mouth as a tug of war. Bacteria trying to convert what you consume into acid and your saliva trying to bring minerals and wash away the bacteria. You can learn to assist your mouth by providing healthy liquid that strengthens your teeth. For further questions or more information, please contact our office today.
