Tooth loss due to decay
Tooth loss due to decay, injury, or periodontal disease can prove to be a source of embarrassment for a lot of people. Dental implants are the modern solution for people with missing teeth, as they provide a foundation for replacement teeth. It doesn’t matter whether you are missing one or more teeth; multiple dental implants can replace all of your missing teeth. With modern-day advancements in dentistry, you can have all upper and lower teeth replaced through full arch dental implants.

Who is the Right Candidate for Dental Implants?

Anyone with healthy gums and a viable bone structure can undergo a dental implant procedure, provided their dental practitioner gives them the go-ahead after an initial evaluation. An x-ray or CT scan is often needed to determine the quantity and quality of bone structure and the implant's intended placement.

Single Tooth Dental Implant

A single tooth dental implant might require a series of surgeries with adequate healing time. These implants are surgically fused to the jawbone. After a few weeks of healing, the implant gets a secure hold onto the bone. Later on, a metal connector is used to fix the new teeth to the dental implant. A few weeks later, an artificial crown is placed on top of the metal crown for aesthetic and functional purposes.

Multiple Tooth Dental Implant

The surgeon will use a scalpel to cut into the gums and expose the jawbone. Next, they will drill multiple holes into the jawbone to make space for the implants. The gum tissues will be trimmed and repositioned over the jawbone and the implants' healing sites. The stitches used to hold the gum tissues will be removed after a week or ten days. After the implants have bonded with the bone over the next three to six months, the surgeon will uncover the implants again and remove the temporary teeth. They will then attach the abutments. The gums will then have to heal for a few weeks. Later on, an artificial bridge of teeth, a replica of your natural teeth, will be fixed to the abutments, and within a week or so, you will have a complete new smile and be able to speak and chew as usual.

What are the Advantages of Multiple Tooth Dental Implants?

For patients with multiple teeth missing, multiple tooth implants provide an option for teeth replacement without requiring support from adjacent natural teeth. Dentures can offer the same function, but they are dependent on the support of the nearby natural teeth and require maintenance after each meal. Multiple tooth implants require the same care as natural teeth. They also offer better preservation for the jaw bone and give you a healthy and natural-looking smile. Multiple tooth dental implants are more natural-looking, decay-resistant, functional, and comfortable than removable dentures. They can restore a patient's smile, confidence, and the ability to speak and chew in a short while.

Book a Consultation Today

Consult the trust-worthy dental professionals at Kelly Smile Dentistry by calling us at 760-242-2338. Book an initial consultation with Dr. Kelly to learn more about these implants and whether you’re the right candidate for the procedure.