Invisalign for Adults
If you’re looking for a hip, discreet way to straighten your teeth that doesn’t involve brackets and wires, you should check out Invisalign. The Invisalign method uses removable clear aligners to reposition your teeth. It’s a great alternative, especially for adults, for those who don’t want traditional metal braces.

How Are Invisalign Clear Aligners Made?

Before crafting your aligners, we must first make a model of your teeth. In years past, orthodontists commonly did this by putting putty on the patient’s teeth to craft a mold of their mouth. Thanks to advances in computer technology and dental sciences, we have new methods that are much more effective and comfortable for patients.

We will obtain a high-quality digital imprint of your teeth by taking digital impressions of your teeth with an iTero scanner. Our high-tech 3-D computer-imaging system will allow us to form your entire treatment plan from start to finish, with the desired position of your teeth at each stage.

Each set of aligners are customized for each patient. They are designed to shift your teeth into the desired positions. We will give you a new set of aligners every two weeks, which will position your teeth slightly more until they arrive at the final stage.

To achieve the best results, you must wear your aligners for 22 hours a day, removing them only to eat, brush, and floss. However, since different people have different mouths, exact treatment times vary.

What Are the Advantages of Invisalign?

The primary advantage of Invisalign is that the aligners are transparent, so most people won’t even notice them. Since Invisalign is custom-fit for your mouth, it allows you to avoid the discomfort and irritation of metal braces. You can also remove the aligners whenever you want and brush your teeth the same way you normally would.

Invisalign treatments also require fewer dental appointments than traditional braces, since braces need more follow-up visits. Another advantage is that our technology allows us to track the current position of your teeth and show you what they will look like when the procedure is done. Many of our patients like to see images of their treatment plan before they begin.

How Does Invisalign Work?

The aligner trays gently move your teeth until they reach the proper position. You must wear each set for at least 22 hours a day for about two weeks. You can take them out to eat, drink, floss and brush, but outside of that you should keep them in. It’s important to get into the habit of wearing them constantly, as many patients who neglected to wear them had their teeth return to their original positions.

We will call you into our office at least once every 12 weeks so we can track the progress of your treatment. Invisalign treatment takes on average between nine to 18 months and usually requires nine to 15 sets of aligners, but both of these can vary depending on the individual. If you’re interested in Invisalign, contact us to schedule a consultation.